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Display in Honor of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney's upcoming Beatificatin October 31, 2020 with second class relic present during Installation of Officers, Columbus Day 2020
Chaplain Msgr. Ryan blesses jewels of Office in front of a relic of Blessed Michael McGivney while CT State Program Director Ted Pacanowski, FDD, opening Installation of Officers, Columbus Day 2021
Comments from the Installation of Officers
In the life of every man there arise many opportunities to take stock of his advancement, both in the spiritual and material sense, to repair omissions, to correct errors and to plan for a more worthy future.
So, in the life of a Council, the commencement of each fraternal year provides a similar opportunity. It is a time when inventory must be taken, past achievements weighed and evaluated, and future plans conceived and appraised. These plans must always be considered in terms of how well they will enable the council to serve their church and their fellowmen.
To you retiring officers of this council, I offer my congratulations upon work well done, my gratitude to each of you for the devotion with which you have exemplified our fraternal principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
To you new officers whom I am about to install, I express my confidence that you will add luster to your Council’s good works; making them more meaningful to the Church, and thereby enhance our Order's proud name. May I please have the list of Officers to be installed?
So, in the life of a Council, the commencement of each fraternal year provides a similar opportunity. It is a time when inventory must be taken, past achievements weighed and evaluated, and future plans conceived and appraised. These plans must always be considered in terms of how well they will enable the council to serve their church and their fellowmen.
To you retiring officers of this council, I offer my congratulations upon work well done, my gratitude to each of you for the devotion with which you have exemplified our fraternal principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
To you new officers whom I am about to install, I express my confidence that you will add luster to your Council’s good works; making them more meaningful to the Church, and thereby enhance our Order's proud name. May I please have the list of Officers to be installed?
Officers for Fraternal Year 2023-2024
Grand Knight Patrick O'Keefe Deputy Grand Knight Jerry Rynich, PGK Chaplain Msrg. Ryan Financial Secretary Dave Plavcan Treasurer Ted Peslak Chancellor Charlie Lembo Lecturer Michael Marella Recorder Brian Phillips Advocate Roger Stihila Warden Robert Sliwinski Inside Guard Dan Plavcan Outside Guard David Christiensan Trustee 1 Year Sal Pace Trustee 2 Year Terry Morgan, IPGK Trustee 3 Year WIlliam Soisson |
Directors & Chairmen for Fraternal Year 2023-2024
Program Director Terry Morgan, IPGK Faith Director Dan Plavcan Vocations Chairman Charlie Lembo Community Director Brian Phillips Family Director Charlie Lembo Life Director Tony Salerno Membership Director Steve Flaig Recruitment Committee Recruitment Committee Recruitment Committee Retention Chairman Jerry Rynich, PGK Insurance Promotion Stephen Cejkovsky, Jr., PGK Health Services Public Relations |